Change Of Direction for Compound

I have decided to shift the direction of Compound Performance after reading the book “Atomic Habits” by James Clear. 

Don’t worry the overall service isn’t going to change but Compound Performance will have a new outlook when achieving results. 

This new outlook will be; 

“Building habits and changes that COMPOUND over time to change someone's life and performance”.

I have always used the quote and have been driven by the idea of “Something is Better than Nothing”. But after reading Atomic Habits it was made clear to me that this is the real reason how Compound has helped so many people over the years. 

In order to truly create a High-Performance Lifestyle and see long term success we have to change small habits and our lives outside of the weight room. If you just hit the gym you may be able to become bigger, stronger and faster but none of this matters if you don’t eat well or have poor sleep habits or have no idea of your current stressors in life and how to decrease this stress or your not connected to your body and the list goes on. So, when you come to Compound Performance you will work on your physical self and become bigger, stronger and faster but you also need to improve everything else that happens throughout your life!! 

This is done by allowing what seems as small and pointless habits COMPOUND over time. 

You’ve likely heard of Compound Interest, if not here is a quick definition; 

“The increasing value of an asset due to the interest earned on both a principal and accumulated interest” 

For example; if you are saving and you have $100 in the bank which earns 10% interest each month (Yes I know this is huge). On month one you will earn $10 in interest and this will take your balance to $110 but in month two you will earn $11 and month three will be $12.10. In 6 months time your account will have $161.05 in the bank and your interest for the month will be $16.12. Your savings account has increased by $61.05 within 6 months and you haven’t done anything, you’ve just let the interest COMPOUND. 

This is the exact same when it comes to your own life. If we constantly do the right thing over and over again the results will COMPOUND and this is where the idea of “Something is Better than Nothing”. 

If we rock up to the gym time and time again, even when we don’t feel like it, we will see results physically. 

If we start getting to bed earlier, over time we will begin to see an improvement in our sleep. Which when let COMPOUND will lead to an improvement in overall health and therefore an ability to push harder and feel fresher when it comes to our performance. 

If we focus on our recovery the day after the game, we will get ourselves into a position to be able to train again sooner. If we can train sooner we can work on our craft, if we get just one extra touch session in when compared to the opposition each week, then after an entire 18 round season we have done 18 more touch sessions. If we continue to do this every single season and allow this COMPOUND we begin to see big improvements. 

Making these small shifts in our habits, routines and lifes, and then done every day, week and year will allow for not just big changes but massive changes. This is the idea of letting something COMPOUND over time. And this is the new direction that Compound Performance will be taking when it comes to our service. 


The #1 Performance Enhancer


Strength Training During the Season