Transitional phase

What to do once the season finishes. 

For most winter spots we are coming very close to the end. 

Some sports and leagues have already started finals, some have entirely finished and others still have a few weeks left before finals. 

Some teams will make a deep push into the finals, others may only play one or two extra weeks, and close to half won’t play any part. 

If your team is going to be playing finals over the next month then please do yourself the favor and go give the last blog (“Tappering for Finals”) a read, and all the best with your finals. If your team is finished, or about to finish, or even if you are interested in finding out what to do once you're done then continue reading. 

Following a simple periodisation module it will tell you that once your competition period has finished we move into a “Transition” period. Which is a period for rest and recovery. In my personal opinion, this period is very important for every athlete. It’s a time when you can step away from structured training. You’ve spent the majority of the year training 2+ times per week plus playing, so you’ve earned a well-deserved rest. My recommendation is to take 2 weeks off from structured training, some people may need more, while others may only need 1 week. This is often dependent on how your body is feeling and what you went through during the season. 

However, before you go off and completely forget about looking after your body you need to plan and organise your off-season training!! You need to work out what you want to do in the off-season. Do you just want to improve every physical quality? Do you need to improve your base levels of conditioning? Maybe you got injured during the year and you need to strengthen the affected area. Or maybe you just want to take your game to the next level, and you want to get a head start on everyone else. 

While it is important to have time away from structured training it is also important to have a plan for your off-season training. I say it all the time this time of year; 

A strong off-season = a strong pre-season 

A strong pre-season = a strong season 

A strong season = results 

So as your season is coming to an end plan to have a couple of weeks off away from structured training but before you completely switch off, make sure you have planned for your off-season. 

If you looking to take your performance to the next level for season 2024 then hit that enquiry button and let's have a conversation. You won’t regret it. 


Using Data to Best Plan Deload Weeks


Tapering for FInals